Huson International Media

Looking to reach the world’s elite, as they travel on private Jets? Global DeLuxePad is your solution

Looking to reach the world’s elite, as they travel on private Jets? Global DeLuxePad is your solution

We are proud to announce this partnership with one of the most targeted media for UHNWI’s (Ultra High New Worth Individuals) that we’ve ever seen.


Millionaires and Billionaires are the typical audience of private luxury jet travel – and we can deliver a large slice of that global niche group, using a dedicated i-Pad pre-programmed with their personal media choices along with over 7,000 other newspapers, magazines etc in 80 languages.


Typically, due to weight restrictions, these private jets do not carry complimentary printed media. Our audience can choose the media they want to consume – and the latest issues are automatically loaded onto their personal DeLuxePad just prior to departure. So the DeLuxePad really does get used by this hard-to-reach UHNWI audience – and your digital advertising message is right there in front of them. If you’re based in North America, please contact us for more information about this unique offering.